
Collaborations at UPATRAS

We collaborate with the lab of Stavros Taraviras at the Medical School, University of Patras

We are part of:

  • the Molecular Cell Biology Unit and the General Biology Lab of the Medical School, University of Patras
  • the FP7 REGPOT project SEE-DRUG
  • the Thalis Networks StemCycle with the University of Crete and University of Ioannina and GenAge with the IMBB, Crete and the National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens
  • Intra-University Network “Research & Applications in Medical Molecular Genetics” – MGN, University of Patras
  • Intra-University Network “Molecular Carcinogenesis”, CancerNet, University of Patras


National collaborations

We collaborate with Health Hub , a European Digital Innovation Hub in Thessaly, Greece
coordinated by iED

International collaborations

Paul Nurse Royal Society, The Francis Crick Institute and  London Research Institute
Philippe Bastiaens Max Planck Institut of molecular Physiology, Dortmund
John Lygeros Automatic Control Lab, ETH-Zurich
Hideo Nishitani Hyogo University, Japan
Tasos Perrakis Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam
Julian Blow Welcome Trust Center, University of Dundee

The SYNTRAIN Network:


International Networks

We are members of the European Light Microscopy Initiative (ELMI) and stakeholders in the ESFRI project Eurobioimaging